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Baby friends

Our friends Leslie and Joe and Quinn and Galen came over to meet Jonas and introduce him to Ash, Q and G's 3 month old son. Ash has a lot of syllables and Jonas has a lot of coos. We are hoping they will be BBFFs-baby best friends forever. The good pictures were taken by Galen, Ash's dad, whose Flickr site is here. The not-so-good ones were taken by me ;).

Photos of Jonas from the month of November 2008

November 2008

Saturday outing to the Museum of Natural Sciences in Raleigh

We've been trying to make lots of family outings on the weekends during the day since we can't go out much at night. This Saturday we went to the Natural Sciences Museum in Raleigh. It's free and has some really cool exhibits, like whale and dinosaur skeletons, meteorites and geology, and recreations of different regions of North Carolina. We didn't get to see everything (next time we will budget more time), but we did get Jonas to pose with an Archaeopteryx!!!

Jonas's first Thanksgiving

Since Jonas is only 6 weeks old, we weren't traveling for Thanksgiving. We had a nice, local, laidback celebration with my parents, Lee and Tara, Cecelia, and Susan, Shaw and Anderson where we had Tofurkey and vegetables before heading to Jenny and Les's. Ben, Marilyn and Michael where in town, as was, Aaron and Sukie, the famous returning cat.

6 weeks

Jonas's first protest-babies against H8

Today was the national day of protest against Proposition 8, the California ban which just passed making same sex marriage illegal. This is a very important issue to us, so we packed Jonas in the Baby Bjorn, braved the rain, and rallied and marched. It was very inspiring and a rainbow flag was raised over the Governor's mansion. Surely equality will come in Jonas's lifetime.

Hope and Change

It's no secret that we are a big Obama family. We resisted early voting to take part in the historic day. For the first time in a long time, North Carolina was a swing state, so it was really exciting to think that our votes would make a bigger difference. We took a walk in the rain to our precinct, a school across from the park and cast our ballots-numbers 386 and 387, I think. We then decided to go back out to Chapel Hill and watch the election returns at my parents' house with them and Lee. No one was more excited than Jonas when North Carolina finally turned blue!!

We look a bit bedraggled, but Jonas looks adorable!!!